Black Diamond Avalung II

  Product Group: Avalanche Safety | Product Added on October 27, 2005, Updated December 1, 2009

Black Diamond Avalung II Avalanche statistics point out that approximately 80% of avalanche victims die due to suffocation (Falk and Brugger, Nature Vol. 368, 1994). The chance of survival actually decreases exponentially over time. After 35 minutes, the chance of survival is approximately 35%. If you have ever questioned the legitimacy of the Avalung, read this avalanche survival story and think again.

The Avalung II is a filtration device which draws air direct from the snowpack. Even dense debris consists of about 50% breatheable air. The membrane increases the surface area where you breathe, making it possible to pull valuable air from the snow. There's a tube that allows you to breathe in and out. Many believe that this device may increase your chances of survival when caught and buried in an snow slide.

Suggested Retail Price: $130
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